student playing timpani

Grateful to give back

When Dr. Pereira asked me to play timpani for the Preparatory Orchestra’s Fall Camp with one day’s notice, there was no hesitation on my part. It was an honor to be able to give of my time and my experience. I had fun, and it brought back many memories; here I was as an older student revisiting of what it was like when I first started in Dr. Pereira’s youth orchestra program.

In a nutshell, that’s what my past 3 years of musical training with Dr. Pereira has reinforced – the importance of ongoing learning and growing, giving and receiving, stretching and developing.

I like giving back, helping out, and seeing the younger musicians grow throughout the season because they’re the future of this organization. Every YOC musician is challenged to reach beyond their comfort zone, while being supported and guided every step of the way along a fabulous musical journey.

You don’t want to miss our upcoming YOC Family Concert at 7:30pm on Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at Halton Theater (CPCC Uptown) featuring all 4 ensembles represented within the YOC program: YOC Flute Choir, Sinfonia Strings, the Preparatory Orchestra, and the Youth Orchestra of Charlotte. I hope to see you there…I’ll be looking for you from the Percussion section!

Zach Cathcart is a Percussionist in the Youth Orchestra of Charlotte. He’s a 10th Grader at Hickory Ridge High School in Harrisburg, NC who also plays in his school’s Wind Ensemble and his church’s Music Ministry.


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About the Author : Kenneth Jackson

  1. LaVaida D. Hunt October 23, 2018 at 11:28 am

    Giving my Lord and Savior all the glory and praise.

    I think God for Master Cathcart who has strived to be the best, he could be. Dedication and devotion is apart of his character, and I’m extremely grateful for his success.

    • Chris Rydel October 23, 2018 at 8:07 pm

      Zachary is a wonderful young man. We are so proud of his success.

  2. Nilgun Trogdon November 14, 2018 at 8:58 pm

    I love it! I couldn’t sum it up better than Zach did. The youth orchestra under Dr. Pereira is a wonderful place for young musicians to push themselves and develope into the gifted musical students that they’re destined to be. Let’s all do our part and enjoy the beautiful music November 20th. Thank you Zach! Go YOC!!

  3. Angelia B Cathcart November 16, 2018 at 9:33 am

    That is so wonderful to see Zach and such a huge accomplishment because I’m sure it takes so much dedication to do this. Great job Zach.

  4. Sylvia Smith November 16, 2018 at 9:57 am

    Zachary is a fine young man he has always been a kind, thoughtful, outgoing and very respectful. I am so proud of his accomplishments and talents. I am expecting him to make a difference in his lifetime!

  5. Christopher Cathcart November 16, 2018 at 12:58 pm

    Outstanding! Way to go young man, we’ll all be keeping our eyes on you. Best of everything.

  6. Billy and Barbara Robinson November 16, 2018 at 4:47 pm

    To God be all the Glory Bro. Zach, You are truly an encouragement, more than you realize. Continue to stay focus and persevere and trust the Lord to carry you through it all for He surely will. We are so excited for you, God bless.

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