YOC summer camp

The YOC camp was definitely a highlight of my summer. To spend three full days surrounded by people who love music just as much as you do is so rewarding, especially when the pieces are all so well-known and well-loved. And difficult. Preparing for camp took a lot of practice—making sure I knew where the notes were, how to get there, and how to not sound like a dying bird when playing them. My friends and I worried we wouldn’t be able to adequately play the music by the time August 2nd rolled around. And, to be honest, the first day was a little rough. Tempos were faster than we were expecting, and there was that one passage that went faster than light.

By the end of camp, we could play everything. From full rehearsals to sectionals, to individual practice, we managed to pull it together beautifully. You get a special feeling putting on a fantastic performance after just three days of rehearsals. It leaves you with a sense of pride, knowing what you can accomplish when you work together with your peers. And it was wonderful performing for an audience filled with people who care so much about supporting and educating young musicians, including our coaches and board who worked tirelessly to ensure everything went smoothly. I so look forward to the first season of this marvelous orchestra.

Anna Norris

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About the Author : Kenneth Jackson